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When it's time to play "The Feud" and you need answers!
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This is an example of a text widget that you can place to describe a particular product or service. Use it as a way to get your visitors interested, so they can click through and read more about it.
© 2025 Ignite Concepts Hawaii
I have some screen shots of family feud answers. What Email do i send them to?
Please send them to Thank you so much for wanting to help out 🙂
Is this email still good? I have screenshots to share.
Yes, please send your screenshots our way 🙂
Are you getting my emails? and do you want them in another format?
and do you want me to add whether they are single, double, or triple?
Sorry Paul, we are very backed up with all the overwhelming support from everyone. Just took a look at your e-mails and yes we do need them in a different format and you do not need to label what round they are from.
What format is best for you?
I have about 16 too, what format…?
we prefer png format please 😉
Just found this web^^
very helpful ^^
I’m played on facebook and its hard because Family feud really american style on the answer so hard for me to guess the answer ^^
oh yes I have a screenshot too, I’ll send it to you ^^
and if i found another one and when i search on your files it not exist
I’ll send it to you again ^^
thank you! we appreciate your support my friend!
i just sent a bunch to the email you gave above ^^^
hope it helps!
Thanks 🙂 we are also looking for moderators if you would like to be one
Hello id like to be a moderator! Get back at me!
Will email you right now 🙂
I would like to modetor your website Thanks if i could
You may contact us at for further information on how to become a moderator. Thank you and Happy New Year 🙂
What’s a “screen shot” and how do I send it to you?
A screenshot is basically a picture of your completed game and you send it to
I know on my laptop (an hp with windows) on the top row of the keyboard the 2nd to the last button says insert and under says prt sc (print screen) you hit your fn (function botton) and that button at the same time. Then you open paint and find the paste option and then it should turn it into a picture you can save. Hope this helps 🙂
hey how do u become a mod on here n how do i post the question an answers on here too
E-mail us at for more details
Sending more print screens 🙂 glad you are doing this site….I haven’t got a perfect score yet but maybe with enough time and help from others I will soon 🙂
Thanx again 🙂
i sent a bunch also to the email you gave above…thanks for this website its awesome
Thanks 🙂 We are a bit backed up but hope to have them up shortly
no problem just email me back if you can use em or not or if i need to cut them and zoom them or whatever before i send them…… but for now more coming tonight 🙂
I just sent you 5 screenshots! 😀 hope that helps 8)
Thank you very much 🙂 We are a bit backed up and are currently looking for a moderator if you are interested!
hey everybody!
i was looking to be a moderator. i was wondering if i could be one and if i could, how i would be able to do so. please get back at me asap!
First step is to create a WordPress username and then send the e-mail address used upon registration to
What is the preferred (or easiest) way to submit screenshots?
Just e-mail them over to we prefer png or jpg files if possible
Thanks, this Family Feud has some really dumb questions/answers at times.
No problem! Thank you for the support and please feel free to subscribe to our blog for all of our updates!
Wasn’t able to get the screen shot, but these are the answers under Triple:
Tell me a famous Nick or Nicholas.
1. Nicholas Cage
2. St. Nick
3. Nick Nolte
Where can we donate screenshots?
Send them to please
Hey Team!
I was wondering- How do you save only the Family Feud portion of your game? I know how to save a whole screen shot but I don’t know how to save only the game portion?- like you guys do. Do we have to donate them to you then you guys crop it or what?
I have a mac, so I use the Grab utility and select just the Feud portion of the screen. Another option is like you said, crop it after snapping the whole screen.
I have a bunch of screenshots – which id do i send them to?
I tried to email my screenshots to the above address but it wouldn’t go through.
Please send them to, thanks!
I would like to be a moderator!!
Please e-mail us at, thanks! We are bringing the site back to life!
i have a picture and i Want to send it to you guys but how?
Please e-mail it to, thanks!
tell me something that grandpa would say “ain’t what it used to be”
# 1 cars
# 2 kids
# 3 gas prices
# 4 food
# 5 music
# 6 clothes
Just sent two png’s. 🙂
Been watching family feud for many years. Steve Harvey is the best host ever!
This show never made me laugh so much before. Great choice! Thank you.
I’m looking for an episode with the Wilson family where he asked what are the top reasons someone would yell o while in bed
if i want to upload some shots, how do i do it?
You can sign up to become a user on our site and we can make you an author, or you can e-mail us and we will do it for you 🙂
Let us know and have a great day!
Steve Harvey is excellent on Family Feud and he should stay with the show a long time. Every day at 6P.M. in PA on Channel 108 in Allegheny County in Bethel Park, I turn on the TV to that channel, maybe earlier to see Richard Karn.
Keep up the good performance.
Steve Harvey is the best host ever on family feud. I’ve never been as entertained as when he is on. He is amazing. What a talent. And damn good looking to. Snappy dresser, a real hunk. Love him
Please someone explain to me why no family has ever won $20.000 more than once…..can you say rigged….folks in Ga. say yes absolutely
I just told you what im thinking…its very odd not one family has EVER won $20.000 more than once
Family Feud USED to be a family show. But now there are very few episodes where there is no talk of sex, female and male parts in them. And Steve Harvey’s reaction to some answers is disgusting. I have renamed this show “Sex Feud”. Bring back the actual Family Feud where children can watch without being shocked and embarrassed.
Thank you
I was thinking the same thing!
They should get rid of that nasty Steve Harvey!
Also I think it should be called, “The Feud of the Races!” Notice how every show it is always black or Hispanic vs white? Everytime!
And now,, I just watched a show that aired on 05/06/2016, between none other than a white and Hispanic family and here is what happened!
The whites had a chance to steal and win the game.
The question was, “name something people swipe.”
The white family said “your wallet”——the big X came up!
So the Hispanics won.
Then when they showed the other answers i could not believe how they cheated those poor white people out of the game!
One of the remaining answers was, MONEY!”
So the whites said , WALLET, the answer was MONEY and they did not give it to them!
Let me ask you something?
Why would a person swipe your wallet?
Because they were swiping your MONEY?
Why do we carry wallets?
To carry our money!
I just could not believe it!
This show has gone down the drain!!!
I am through with watching it!
I am disgusted at the R rated questions that Steve is asking on Family Feud. It seems like so many of the questions relate to sex and strip clubs like that is a normal topic of discussion at everyone’s dinner table. Steve can’t leave the words damn and ass alone. It’s not Family Feud any more. You should change the name to accommodate the new topics and sexual innuendos. As of today Family Feud is NO LONGER on my record list.
i want to play for big money
mail to adrian holley po box 726 elkivew wv 25071
a lot. the celeberaty family fude has audion description. this is great for blind people that want to follow along. the week day family fude doesn’t have that. when the audience gives the answers, you can’t understand them. i wish you and steve harvy would consider audio description on all shows. the blind community would be very happy.
frank cosatinoi enjoy family fude
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