Based in Honolulu, HI, two cousins and their friends decided to start playing the various games on Facebook as a method of procrastination while having slow days at work or when their gigantic load of college homework was just not going to get done.
They stumbled upon The Family Feud. It is a TV show that all of them have seen before and figured it would be a fun way to compete against each other.
The competition quickly intensified to bets of washing and waxing the winner’s car as well as having to pay for the next meal that they all ate together. The idea of this blog was then born. They wanted to create a database to check their answers upon the completion of their daily allotted episodes.
Since deciding to open our website to the public, our database grew larger and larger each day as more episodes were completed and now serves as the best guide period to help fellow Facebook Feuders reach the Fast Money round each and every episode!
Whether you use our guide to consistently post high scores or if you just want to reference us during those “brain fart” periods, we love all of your support! Keep “Feuding” and enjoy!
Family feud fanatic.
Thanks Jessy! We appreciate all the support we can get and we hope you visit us daily as we update frequently 🙂
Some of the questions I need are not here. :/
we will slowly add all of the screenshots we have received, thank you for your continued patience
where can we put our screen shots up you don’t have yet?
e-mail them to us and we will get to them slowly
what is “stage 8” ?
Is there a way other people can add quizzes that aren’t on here? Email them to someone to add or anything?
It’s nice to be able to check on here for missed answers because it’s frustrating when you apparently don’t word something the way they want you to and they don’t count it – or it may come up as something completely different!
definitely agree as that problem has cost me many points. feel free to e-mail screenshots to us 🙂
wow! this is great! so helpful when they are here….but not a lot of them questions are…
we will be adding more now that we have some free time, thank you for your patience 🙂
I just found this website. It is very helpful in my little family feud with my wife. Just curious though, what happened to August and September?
extremely busy for us as the site owners but thank you for your kind words and we should be up and running smoothly again 🙂
happy sana laging free ang episode para masarap mag enjoy na laruin ang family feud kahit mali ang answer basta nag eenjoy
its my favorite games in facebook jokes slight lang hehhehehe
There needs to be a way that we can upload them directly, then you guys proof them. That would save you time and give us more screenshots. You said .png format, how else can we help?
great game
this is a great site, but the search leaves a lot to be desired. nothing has ever, ever, come up in a search for me. i’ve tried using the exact phrases of screenshots i know are on the site just to test it, but they don’t come up. but it’s nice to look through to keep the answers in mind.
you should really put all the things on one page so i can just find it
I am unable to access Family Feud via Facebook…..I keep getting the following error message:
“Error retrieving your data from Facebook: Session key invalid or no longer valid:
Refreshing or clearing cache as instructed does NOT work…..
please advise
did you get a reply? Does ANYONE know the solution to this? I
Hey…I have a screenshot for you…how can i send it?
You can send it to rootsoversoul@yahoo.com, thanks 🙂
Probably the most addictive game know to man on facebook. I am obsessed.
hehe, thanks for this website. soo useful! ive had it bookmarked for the longest now haha.. continue the great work guys! 😀
Thank you Jessica for all of your support! We continue to improve daily for all of the people like you who enjoy our work 🙂
sckecrs- Thank you,apuncov.Great site.
where do i send my screenshots for questions that arent on this site?
You may send the screenshots to rootsoversoul@yahoo.com
Great site! The Santa post was hilarious.
Jones, My Opinion
Thank you!
how do i advance to the next stage? my current score is 2M plus..but i’m still stuck in stage 1. 🙁
In order to advance, you must purchase all of the items from the Family Feud shop as well as win all of the win-only items for each stage. Hope this helps!
new one….on vacation, what do you fear you’ve forgotten to turn off at home
1. stove 2. lights 3. iron 4. tv 5. coffee pot
Can I send you screen shots? If so, how?
Yes you may by sending them to rootsoversoul@yahoo.com
It’s a good idea, but my goodness there’s like nothing here. Each of the last two games I’ve played every question I’ve searched has come back with “No results found”
We have over 2,000 screenshots posted here and update daily, if you cannot find the answers to your questions we would love a screenshot of the completed rounds from you.
hey i have some family feud’s id like to post and i love this website
Thank you for your kind words. Please feel free to send your screenshots to rootsoversoul@yahoo.com
How in the heck do I win the Mona Lisa so I can earn the title Mona Lisa Smile and move on to the next level? I have played my butt off trying to win this one! Really wanting to advance to the next level, please help!!!
Love the game…very addicting! Thank you!
Just keep helping people on their Fast Money and you should be able to win it eventually. Thank you for the kind words
rootsoversoul, I sent you screeshots over a week ago and yet they have not been posted on the site since. I was new to the site then and didn’t realise the pics are categorised into rounds and hence my screenshots were not labelled accordingly. However I do not see why the screenshots should not still be posted. I have since taken another 40+ screenshots, once I know that you did indeed receive the first set of 8 screenshots, I will happily send the rest.
Thanks again,
Thank you for your comment. We receive hundreds of screenshots a day and simply do not have time to post them all as received. This site is run by volunteers with full time jobs and we try our best to post when we can
Thank you for the quick reply,
I shall email the rest in hopes it can help someone win the ‘perfect game’ award. 🙂
when will you off a half off sale again? how do I retrive the games when you make an error and take my game?
I play Family Feud everyday. When you play 4 days in a row, it says you get a free episode. The free game never comes up. Am I doing something wrong?
I had been taking screenshots of this for a while for my best friend, send me your e-mail and I can send them your way if you want to add them to your blog. 🙂
Please send them to cakewalk808@gmail.com, thanks!
Hey there. I love what you guys are doing in your spare time. I just wanted to ask you if you had received any of my screenshots. I have set probably a dozen so far. I know you are really busy, I just wanted to make sure I am sending them in a correct format for when you do eventually get to them. I sent the first few in JPG, then read on here you prefer PNG. I just do screenshots on a mac. Not sure if you want them a different way. Anywho, hope to hear from you sometime.
Please send them to cakewalk808@gmail.com, thanks! As we are bringing the site back to life!
Somewhere you said something about being sure to subscribe. How do I subscribe? Also, I’ve just started sending screen shots. How do I know if I’m doing it correctly? I don’t want to keep sending them if I’m not. Thanks!!!! Great site! =)
We have just brought the blog back to life! Could you please send all of your screenshots to cakewalk808@gmail.com, thanks!
name something you wouldn’t want your children to do as you do?
# 1 smoke
# 2 drink alcohol
# 3 swear
# 4 eat
# 5 drive
# 6 work
# 7 gossip